Sunday, August 31, 2008


We're all concerned about the economy. I think we should look at the world for what it was like a few years ago. Compare our country, then and now. We are in such a mess, and most people are concerned about whether we have a woman for president. Please don't get me wrong. I love Hillery Clinton as well as Bill. But I think if we continue to place our values on gender, we are definitely going to fall. Our government has truly failed us. I don't want another eight years of this mess that we're in. Our loved ones are fighting in Iraq for what? To keep the people running this country rich? Gas is off the chain. Food is so expensive, I'm actually afraid to go to the supermarket. Look out America! We need to put agenda aside for a minute. History in the making is not putting food on my table or paying my bills. I would have liked to see or Hillery do this. But she did'nt and we have to move on. We will never lose her. She will always be there for us. If we base our values on gender, then what are we really saying for our country?

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